Interview with Nancy Gilmore


Rapid-fire Birdy Questions:

  • What’s your favorite bird to spot on a field trip?  Lewis’s Woodpecker. Love their unique color palette.
  • Early morning birding or late afternoon birding? Early morning for sure.
  • Favorite birding snack?  Riley’s Beef Jerky
  • Binoculars or camera—what’s always in hand?  Binocs always.  Camera too sometimes but generally only when birding alone so that I can use it to document or help with ID later.
  • Bird song or bird plumage—what grabs your attention first?  Song.  More experienced birders along with song ID apps have helped recently in my ID efforts.
  • What’s the best bird you’ve ever seen in your backyard? Pileated Woodpecker (in our yard at Lake Almanor)
  • Dream birding destination anywhere in the world? Galapagos
  • What’s the most surprising bird fact you’ve learned?  Everything about migration fascinates me. 
  • Coffee or tea during early morning birding?  Coffee definitely  
  • What’s your favorite bird-related movie or documentary? Winged Migration (2001)
  • What’s your go-to field guide for birding?  Sibley but I also have a historical fondness for Guide to Birds of North America, by Chandler S. Robbins, Bertel Bruun, Herbert S. Zim. That’s what I grew up using.  A gift from my older brother when I was about 10 sparked me to start ID’ing birds.
  • Which bird would you love to see that’s still on your life list? Blue footed Booby
  • Do you have a favorite bird feeder setup at home?  At our place at  Almanor we have a couple hanging seed feeders, a platform feeder, a hummingbird feeder, and I make my own suet for a caged feeder.
  • Best advice for beginner birders? Just go often, ask questions and learn from those willing to impart their knowledge. Don’t be intimidated.  FAS is a wonderful group from which to learn.  


Non-birdy Questions:

  • What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend when you’re not birding?  Walking or just being outdoors – usually with a dog in tow
  • What’s one book you’ve read that you’d recommend to anyone? To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Morning person or night owl?  Night owl 
  • What’s your favorite guilty pleasure TV show or movie? Schitt’s Creek
  • What’s the most unusual hobby you’ve ever tried? Scottish Plaiting
  • What’s one item you can’t live without when traveling? My noise-canceling headphones 
  • If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be?  Piano