EVENT CALENDAR - Fresno Audubon Society
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
River West Cleanup Event 9:30 am
River West Cleanup Event @ River West
Feb 22 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
River West Cleanup Event @ River West
River West Cleanup   All participants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. Use the QR code below or the form can also be found here. Registration Link Registration is limited to 12 participants. Leader: Rick Grijalva, rickgrijalva2@gmail.com .                      ...
Lost Lake Christmas Bird Count 2019
Dec 14 @ 7:00 am – 5:00 pm

Lost Lake CBC Circle

The 2019 Lost Lake Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will take place on Saturday, De­cember 14. We will meet at the Lost Lake Park nature trail parking lot at 7:00 a.m.

The Lost Lake CBC is one of sev­eral hundred counts that will take place in North America and beyond during December and January. These events contrib­ute important bird abundance data to an international database. Over the years this data has provided research­ers with much important informa­tion about the health of bird species in North American and beyond. You can learn more about the Christ­mas Bird Count program at http://birds.audubon.org/christmas-bird-count.

The Lost CBC circle (pictured above) includes Lost Lake Park, Millerton Lake State Park, Friant Bridge, grassland areas of southern Madera County, Rank Island, Ball Ranch parts of the McKenzie Table Mountain Preserve, Woodward Park, Jensen River Ranch, Woodward Lakes, Dry Creek Reservoir, and the northern reaches of Fresno/Clovis.

Participants will be divided into small groups, each responsible for counting in a designated area within the count circle. Checklists will be provided, on which numbers of indi­vidual birds and species are marked.

You needn’t be an expert birder to participant in this event. Anyone with a basic knowledge of bird species is encouraged to partici­pate. The more eyes we have in each group, the more birds we are likely to count.

Some groups will be out for the entire day, while others will finish earlier than that. Feel free to join us even if you can only do so for part of the day. Most participants will submit eBird lists of their sightings, but for those who wish to submit paper lists, please meet the compiler (Rachel Clark) at 5:30 p.m. at Denny’s on Blackstone and Herndon. If enough people are interested, we might sit down for a post-count meal.

For more information about this event or to confirm that you will par­ticipate, please contact Rachel Clark at 515-357-0122 or tanagergirl@gmail.com.

Registration: Please also register for the event here.

Map to meeting place:

Wastewater Treatment Plant Virtual Field Trip (Zoom) @ Zoom
Nov 21 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Wastewater Treatment Plant Virtual Field Trip (Zoom)

Register for Wastewater Treatment Plant Virtual Field Trip (Zoom)
Saturday 21 November 2020. 9-10 am
This virtual field trip will be broadcast online via Zoom. Register to receive login information.

New to Zoom? Check out all you need to know here before the meeting.

With COVID-19 restrictions still in place, in-person field trips are still on the back-burner for the foreseeable future. Well, FAS is here to bring you the next best thing: live virtual field trips! Join us as we take you to some local birding hotspots to show you some of the birds on site and teach you ways to identify them. This is the perfect opportunity to see a diverse array of local birds and interact with the hosts in real time, all from the safety of your home!
The first field trip is scheduled for Saturday, November 21 at (time TBD). We will be visiting the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility, which is a great spot for herons, egrets, ducks, geese, sandpipers, and many others! You definitely do not want to miss this!

You can see an example of what you will experience below, where Rachel will give you tips on identifying Least Sandpiper.

For Facebook users, the event can also be accessed here: Facebook Event

Membership Drive now underway!
If you haven’t yet joined Fresno Audubon this season, please join here for a low cost annual membership. NEW this year you’ll receive a copy of our ‘Birding Resource Guide’ which provides tips about local area birding along with a Fresno Audubon sticker!

Fresno Audubon Society
Thank you for your continued involvement in and support of Fresno Audubon Society.
CANCELED due to lockdown. River Center Virtual Field Trip (Zoom) @ Zoom
Dec 12 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
CANCELED: River Center Virtual Field Trip (Zoom) @ Zoom
Mar 20 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

River Center Virtual Field Trip (Zoom)

Register for River Center Virtual Field Trip (Zoom)
Saturday 20 March 2021. 9-10 am
This virtual field trip will be broadcast online via Zoom. Register to receive login information.

New to Zoom? Check out all you need to know here before the meeting.

With COVID-19 restrictions still in place, in-person field trips are still on the back-burner for the foreseeable future. Well, FAS is here to bring you the next best thing: live virtual field trips! Join us as we take you to some local birding hotspots to show you some of the birds on site and teach you ways to identify them. This is the perfect opportunity to see a diverse array of local birds and interact with the hosts in real time, all from the safety of your home!
The next virtual field trip is scheduled for Saturday, March 20 at 9:00 am. We will be visiting the River Center, which is a great spot for herons, egrets, ducks, sparrows, raptors and many others! You definitely do not want to miss this!

You can see an example of what you will experience below, where Rachel will give you tips on identifying Least Sandpiper.

Membership Drive now underway!
If you haven’t yet joined Fresno Audubon this season, please join here for a low cost annual membership. NEW this year you’ll receive a copy of our ‘Birding Resource Guide’ which provides tips about local area birding along with a Fresno Audubon sticker!

Fresno Audubon Society
Thank you for your continued involvement in and support of Fresno Audubon Society.
Roeding Virtual Field Trip (Zoom) @ Zoom
Apr 10 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Roeding Park Virtual Field Trip (Zoom)

Register for Roeding Park Virtual Field Trip (Zoom)
Saturday 20 March 2021. 9-10 am
This virtual field trip will be broadcast online via Zoom. Register to receive login information.

New to Zoom? Check out all you need to know here before the meeting.

With COVID-19 restrictions still in place, in-person field trips are still on the back-burner for the foreseeable future. Well, FAS is here to bring you the next best thing: live virtual field trips! Join us as we take you to some local birding hotspots to show you some of the birds on site and teach you ways to identify them. This is the perfect opportunity to see a diverse array of local birds and interact with the hosts in real time, all from the safety of your home!
The next virtual field trip is scheduled for Saturday, April 10 at 9:00 am at Roeding Park. We will start at the heron rookery where Cattle Egrets, Snowy Egrets and other herons annually breed. We may also find other birds to show during the hour. The event will start at 9:00 am. This should be a lively trip with some great birds, and Rachel will give pointers for identifying the birds we see.

You can see an example of what you will experience below, where Rachel will give you tips on identifying Least Sandpiper.

Membership Drive now underway!
If you haven’t yet joined Fresno Audubon this season, please join here for a low cost annual membership. NEW this year you’ll receive a copy of our ‘Birding Resource Guide’ which provides tips about local area birding along with a Fresno Audubon sticker!

Fresno Audubon Society
Thank you for your continued involvement in and support of Fresno Audubon Society.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Virtual Field Trip (Zoom) @ Zoom
Sep 18 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Wastewater Treatment Plant Virtual Field Trip (Zoom)

Register for Wastewater Treatment Plant Virtual Field Trip (Zoom)
Saturday 18 September 2021. 9-10 am
This virtual field trip will be broadcast online via Zoom. Register to receive login information.

New to Zoom? Check out all you need to know here before the meeting.

With COVID-19 cases spiking in our area, in-person field trips are still on the back-burner for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, FAS will continue to bring you the next best thing: live virtual field trips! Join us as we take you to some local birding hotspots to show you some of the birds on site and teach you ways to identify them. This is the perfect opportunity to see a diverse array of local birds and interact with the hosts in real time, all from the safety of your home!
The next virtual field trip is scheduled for Saturday, 18 September 2021 at 9:00 M. We will be visiting the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility, which is a great spot for herons, egrets, ducks, geese, sandpipers, and many others! You definitely do not want to miss this!

You can see an example of what you will experience below, where Rachel gives tips on identifying Least Sandpiper.

For Facebook users, the event can also be accessed here: Facebook Event

Membership Drive now underway!
If you haven’t yet joined Fresno Audubon this season, please join here for a low cost annual membership. NEW this year you’ll receive a copy of our ‘Birding Resource Guide’ which provides tips about local area birding along with a Fresno Audubon sticker!

Fresno Audubon Society
Thank you for your continued involvement in and support of Fresno Audubon Society.
Madera Wastewater Treatment Plant Virtual Field Trip (Zoom) @ Zoom
Oct 30 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Wastewater Treatment Plant Virtual Field Trip (Zoom)

Register for Madera Wastewater Treatment Plant Virtual Field Trip (Zoom)
Saturday 30 October 2021. 9-10 am
This virtual field trip will be broadcast online via Zoom. Register to receive login information.

New to Zoom? Check out all you need to know here before the meeting.

COVID-19 cases have plateaued in our area at 25 cases per 100,000 so in-person field trips are still on the back-burner for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, FAS will continue to bring you the next best thing: live virtual field trips! Join us as we take you to some local birding hotspots to show you some of the birds on site and teach you ways to identify them. This is the perfect opportunity to see a diverse array of local birds and interact with the hosts in real time, all from the safety of your home!
The next virtual field trip is scheduled for Saturday, 30 October  2021 at 9:00 am. We will be visiting the Madera Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility, which is a great spot for herons, egrets, ducks, geese, sandpipers, and many others! You definitely do not want to miss this!

You can see an example of what you will experience below, where Rachel gives tips on identifying Least Sandpiper.

For Facebook users, the event can also be accessed here: Facebook Event

Membership Drive now underway!
If you haven’t yet joined Fresno Audubon this season, please join here for a low cost annual membership. NEW this year you’ll receive a copy of our ‘Birding Resource Guide’ which provides tips about local area birding along with a Fresno Audubon sticker!

Fresno Audubon Society
Thank you for your continued involvement in and support of Fresno Audubon Society.
Latino Outdoors Fresno – Bird Watching and Picnic at Roeding Park @ https://latinooutdoors.org/eventbrite-event/bird-watching-and-picnic-at-roeding-park/
Apr 1 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Spring Potluck Lunch Sumner Peck Ranch @ Sumner Peck
Apr 15 @ 11:30 am – 3:30 pm


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Sumner Peck Ranch

14439 N. Friant Road

11:30 am-3:30 pm

(12:00 Potluck Lunch)

To register for the potluck, click here.

It’s time to welcome Spring so, bring your favorite dish and join FAS for lunch at noon and birding at the beautiful Sumner Peck Ranch.  There is no entry fee and parking is free.  FAS will provide drinks and table service.  Take the drive from the gates to the parking area at the end of the drive.  The picnic area is just below the parking lot, next to the river. Let’s celebrate Fresno Spring birding together! Registration is required so that we have a head count. 

11:30-12:00 Set up
12:00 Potluck Lunch
1:00-3:30 No-host birding

To register for the pot luck dinner, click here.

For any questions, please contact Maureen Walsh, (559) 706-4980.
Earth Day Fresno Celebration @ Fresno City College
Apr 22 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Earth Day Fresno is putting on a celebration on the Fresno City College campus from 10 AM to 4 PM.


This is a free, family-friendly outdoor festival that will feature various educational exhibits and activities.


Fresno Audubon will be running one of the educational booths. Be sure to stop by and say “Hello”!


For more information please see https://earthdayfresno.org/.