Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Mendota Wildlife Area March 1, 2025 8:00 am
Mendota Wildlife Area March 1, 2025 @ Mendota Wildlife Area
Mar 1 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Mendota Wildlife Area March 1, 2025 Registration Required. Link to Registration. All participants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register.  The form can be found here   Join us for an exciting field trip on Saturday, March 1, 2025! MEETING PLACE:...
The Raptor Trail Field Trip on The Kings River at Pine Flat Dam Canceled Due to Rain 8:30 am
The Raptor Trail Field Trip on The Kings River at Pine Flat Dam Canceled Due to Rain @ The Raptor Trail on The Kings River at Pine Flat Dam
Mar 5 @ 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
The Raptor Trail Field Trip on The Kings River at Pine Flat Dam Canceled Due to Rain @ The Raptor Trail on The Kings River at Pine Flat Dam
Canceled Due to Rain! The Raptor Trail on The Kings River at Pine Flat Dam Registration is required for this event. All participants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. Use the QR code below or the form can also be...
River Bottom Cleanup Event 9:30 am
River Bottom Cleanup Event @ Riverside Golf Course
Mar 8 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
River Bottom Cleanup Event @ Riverside Golf Course
River Bottom Cleanup   All participants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. Use the QR code below or the form can also be found here. Registration Link Registration is limited to 12 participants. Leader: Rick Grijalva, .                      ...
Field Trip to River West Madera 8:00 am
Field Trip to River West Madera @ River West Madera
Mar 12 @ 8:00 am – 12:30 pm
Field Trip to River West Madera @ River West Madera
Field Trip to River West Madera Wednesday March 12, 2025 REGISTRATION Link    Rain Cancels Event   All participants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. Use the QR code below or the form can also be found here River West...
Introduction to Birding Saturday March 15, 2025 9:00 am
Introduction to Birding Saturday March 15, 2025 @ River Center
Mar 15 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Introduction to Birding Saturday March 15, 2025 @ River Center
Introduction to Birding at the River Center 11605 Old Friant Rd Fresno, CA 93730     Registration link  All registrants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. Use the QR code below or the form can also be found here Description...
(Cancelled) Thursday Field Trip – Kearney Park 7:30 am
(Cancelled) Thursday Field Trip – Kearney Park @ Kearney Park
Mar 20 @ 7:30 am – 1:00 pm
(Cancelled) Thursday Field Trip - Kearney Park @ Kearney Park
. All participants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. The form can be found here . Cancelled   Registration: Please register for the field trip here.   Join FAS on Thursday, March 20 as we go birding at Kearney Park...
The Raptor Trail Field Trip on The Kings River at Pine Flat Dam RESCHEDULED Due to Rain 8:30 am
The Raptor Trail Field Trip on The Kings River at Pine Flat Dam RESCHEDULED Due to Rain @ The Raptor Trail on The Kings River at Pine Flat Dam
Mar 20 @ 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
The Raptor Trail Field Trip on The Kings River at Pine Flat Dam RESCHEDULED Due to Rain @ The Raptor Trail on The Kings River at Pine Flat Dam
Rescheduled from March 5! The Raptor Trail on The Kings River at Pine Flat Dam Registration is required for this event. All participants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. Use the QR code below or the form can also be...
Saturday Walk – Ball Ranch- March 2025 8:00 am
Saturday Walk – Ball Ranch- March 2025 @ Ball Ranch Trailhead
Mar 22 @ 8:00 am – 11:30 am
Saturday Walk - Ball Ranch- March 2025 @ Ball Ranch Trailhead
Saturday Bird Walk Ball Ranch   NOTE: This event was moved from Feb 14 to March 22. Registration is required for this event. All participants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. Use the QR code below or the form can...
(CANCELLED) Field Trip to River West Madera 8:00 am
(CANCELLED) Field Trip to River West Madera @ River West Madera
Mar 29 @ 8:00 am – 12:30 pm
(CANCELLED) Field Trip to River West Madera @ River West Madera
Field Trip to River West Madera Cancelled Saturday March 29, 2025 REGISTRATION Link    All participants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. Use the QR code below or the form can also be found here River West Madera March 29,...
CANCELLED Fresno Wastewater Treatment Plant Field Trip March 2025 8:00 am
CANCELLED Fresno Wastewater Treatment Plant Field Trip March 2025 @ Fresno/Clovis Wastewater Treatment Plant
Mar 29 @ 8:00 am – 12:45 pm
CANCELLED Fresno Wastewater Treatment Plant Field Trip March 2025 @ Fresno/Clovis Wastewater Treatment Plant
Cancelled The trip is limited to the first 30 people who sign up by Tuesday, March 25th at 8 a.m. Use this link to register with your name as it appears on your driver’s license or ID card. All participants must agree to the FAS...
Latino Outdoors Fresno – Bird Watching and Picnic at Roeding Park @
Apr 1 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Wednesday Bird Walk at Sumner Peck Ranch @ Sumner-Peck Ranch
Apr 12 @ 8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Wednesday Bird Walk at Sumner Peck Ranch

Registration is required for this event.

Register Here

Join trip leader Susan Heidebrecht for birding along the San Joaquin River on the beautiful  Sumner Peck Ranch property.  It is mostly flat terrain with good trails. The walk will be approximately 1 ½ miles each way.  Expect to see a variety of waterfowl, warblers, raptors, Belted kingfishers, and woodpeckers. 

We will meet at the parking area at the end of the drive (do not turn left into the parking lot near the entrance, but drive straight ahead). 

If you wish to bring lunch, there is a small picnic area near the parking lot.  

Participants should bring snacks, lunch (if desired), water, hat, sunscreen, and binoculars, and should dress in layers. Registration is required for this event. If you have any questions, please reach out to trip leader Susan Heidebrecht at or (559)313-1776

Register Here

Spring Potluck Lunch Sumner Peck Ranch @ Sumner Peck
Apr 15 @ 11:30 am – 3:30 pm


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Sumner Peck Ranch

14439 N. Friant Road

11:30 am-3:30 pm

(12:00 Potluck Lunch)

To register for the potluck, click here.

It’s time to welcome Spring so, bring your favorite dish and join FAS for lunch at noon and birding at the beautiful Sumner Peck Ranch.  There is no entry fee and parking is free.  FAS will provide drinks and table service.  Take the drive from the gates to the parking area at the end of the drive.  The picnic area is just below the parking lot, next to the river. Let’s celebrate Fresno Spring birding together! Registration is required so that we have a head count. 

11:30-12:00 Set up
12:00 Potluck Lunch
1:00-3:30 No-host birding

To register for the pot luck dinner, click here.

For any questions, please contact Maureen Walsh, (559) 706-4980.
Introduction to Birding Apr. 16, 2023 @ River Center
Apr 16 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Introduction to Birding at the Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies

11639 Old Friant Rd, Fresno, CA 93730

Please register for the April 16 event here.


The Parkway Trust and Fresno Audubon Society have joined forces to offer a birding class that combines instruction, exploration, and fun! Beginning birders will see and learn about local and migratory birds that might be visiting the River Center. New birders will discover easy ways to identify migrating and year-round, local birds. The class will include a walk looking for birds in the various habitats found at the River Center. We will meet at the new picnic shelter on the north side of the center. After learning about using binoculars and various aids in bird identification like guide books and phone apps, we will bird around the property. Bring binoculars, lunch, water and sun protection.  Fresno Audubon will have binoculars to loan if you do not have your own. Children are welcome! Rain cancels this event.
Class is held from 9 AM -12 PM on the third Saturday of each month from October through May.


Please register for the April 16 event here.

Birding at the Ruth Mckenzie Preserve with SFC and FAS @ McKenzie Table Mountain Preserve
Apr 22 @ 7:30 am – 12:00 pm

Birding at the Ruth Mckenzie Preserve

This is a Sierra Foothill Conservancy event
Cost is $15-$30 depending on SFC membership

Registration is required for this event.

Register Here. You will be redirected to SFC’s event listing

Join Gary Woods and Robert Snow for birding at the Ruth Mckenzie Preserve.  The walk is initially fairly easy, along a dirt road that undulates along a stream.  After about a mile, the road crosses the stream, and the hiking becomes a bit steeper.  We may see enough birds along that mile that we won’t cross the creek.  Possible sightings are Acorn Woodpeckers, Lewis Woodpecker, Phainopepla, Red-Tailed Hawk, Bluebirds, and a nesting pair of Golden Eagles.

This is a Sierra Foothill Conservancy event
Cost is $15-$30 depending on SFC membership



Register Here. You will be redirected to SFC’s event listing

Earth Day Fresno Celebration @ Fresno City College
Apr 22 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Earth Day Fresno is putting on a celebration on the Fresno City College campus from 10 AM to 4 PM.


This is a free, family-friendly outdoor festival that will feature various educational exhibits and activities.


Fresno Audubon will be running one of the educational booths. Be sure to stop by and say “Hello”!


For more information please see

Birding at the Ruth Mckenzie Preserve @ Ruth Mckenzie Preserve
Apr 26 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Birding at the Ruth Mckenzie Preserve

Registration is required for this event.

Register Here


Join FAS for birding at the Ruth Mckenzie Preserve.  The walk is initially fairly easy, along a dirt road that undulates along a stream.  After about a mile, the road crosses the stream, and the hiking becomes a bit steeper.  We may see enough birds along that mile that we won’t cross the creek.  Possible sightings are Acorn Woodpeckers, Lewis Woodpecker, Phainopepla, Red-Tailed Hawk, Bluebirds, and a nesting pair of Golden Eagles.


Meet at the parking lot at the Sportsman’s Warehouse on Friant Road at 8:00.



Participants should bring snacks, lunch (if desired), water, binoculars, and a hat.  Wear sturdy shoes.  Registration is required for this event.  If you have questions, reach out to either trip leader.


Wes Beal

(559) 250-2988




Register Here

Wednesday Bird Walk at Sycamore Island May 10 @ Sycamore Island
May 10 @ 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Wednesday Bird Walk at Sycamore Island 

Rescheduled from March Event which was

cancelled due to rain and wet conditions

Registration is required for this event. If you were registered for the canceled event you must register again.

Register Here


Meeting location:  Sycamore Island (36.8590560, -119.8230324)

Meeting time: 8:00 AM

End time:  Noon, or you may stay and have lunch with the group 


Sycamore Island, part of the San Joaquin River Parkway, is along the San Joaquin River in Madera County downstream from River West open space. It offers a variety of habitats:  river, ponds, riparian, grasslands, and wetlands.  We can expect ducks, raptors, herons, egrets, owls. woodpeckers, finches, swallows, sparrows among many others. 


This is a large property and we will do a combination of driving and  walking.  Walking distance will be 1 to 2 miles but those who don’t care to walk can drive to most of the areas.  There are picnic shelters with tables for lunch and restrooms on the property. 


Participants should bring snacks, lunch (if desired), water, hat, sunscreen, and binoculars, and should dress in layers.  


Registration is required for this event. If you have any questions, please reach out to trip leader at 559-435-9374 or

Register Here

CANCELLED: Wednesday Bird Walk at Lost Lake @ Lost Lake
May 10 @ 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

Lost Lake Audubon Field Trip Wednesday May 10th

This trip has been canceled due to flooding and park closure.

Registration is required for this event.

Register Here

Location: Lost Lake , Fresno County Park

                  Lost Lake Rd, Friant, CA 93626

Date and Meeting time: 8:30 am , May 10th

Meeting location in park: Audubon Trailhead at the west end (down stream end) of the park. There is a small parking area at the trailhead, and a larger one a few hundred yards further into the park.


Duration of walk: 8:30 am – 12 pm


Special instructions: the park entrance fee is usually enforced. Fee is $5. Please follow instructions at the entry kiosk if there is no attendant at the kiosk. 


What to bring: Binoculars, check weather report for comfortable clothing, (this is the month of March, almost any weather is possible), walking shoes, sunscreen / hat, water, snacks ( or lunch if staying beyond noon), free downloads of Audubon and/or Merlin Apps are very useful, western bird identification field guides are also useful. Be advised , there may be insects such as mosquitos, gnats etc. 


Walk Description: walking on mostly flat park grass, or on paved park road, from west ( at the trailhead) to east ( toward Friant Dam and the park campground). We will bird river, river lined grass/ shrub and oak tree habitat, and on the upper road the grassland leading into the park, using binoculars but also using the Merlin Sound ID app as an enhanced identification tool. In the park, there are picnic benches for rest stops, and the restrooms are usually open.


Possible birds: Egrets (several species), Cedar Waxwing, Hawks (several species) Varied Thrush, Bald Eagle,  Common Merganser , Acorn Woodpecker, Canada Goose, Ring- necked Duck, Anna’s Hummingbird, Great Blue Heron, Wood Duck, Phainopepla, Black Phoebe, and many others.


Other possible sightings…Coyotes, Bobcats…on the other side of the river.

Registration is required for this walk.

Hard Rain or flooding cancels this walk.

Trip Leader: Lynda Schafhauser

Contact information: cell for voicemail or text: 559-474-0651



Register Here

Birding at Roeding Park @ Roeding Park (meet in parking in front of zoo)
May 13 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Birding at Roeding Park

Registration is required for this event.

Register Here


Join trip leader Maureen Walsh for birding at Roeding Park.  We will start at Lake Washington where we will see Wood ducks among other waterfowl in the lake and see the Cattle egret, Black-crowned night herons, and Double-crested cormorants in the rookery on the island. There are hundreds of birds nesting in the rookery.  Then we will walk other areas of the park to see a variety of woodpeckers, raptors, warblers, etc.  


We will meet at the parking lot in front of the zoo, across from Lake Washington.  There is a $5.00 entry fee to the park and a new automated parking system.  


If you wish to bring lunch, there are plenty of picnic tables available for eating and calculating our bird count.  


Participants should bring snacks, lunch (if desired), water, hat, sunscreen, and binoculars, and should dress in layers. Registration is required for this event. If you have any questions, please reach out to trip leader Maureen Walsh at or (559) 706-4980.


Register Here