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Introduction to Birding Saturday March 15, 2025 9:00 am
Introduction to Birding Saturday March 15, 2025 @ River Center
Mar 15 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Introduction to Birding Saturday March 15, 2025 @ River Center
Introduction to Birding at the River Center 11605 Old Friant Rd Fresno, CA 93730     Registration link  All registrants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. Use the QR code below or the form can also be found here Description...
Introduction to birding at the River Center @ River Center
May 21 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Join the River Parkway Trust and Fresno Audubon for an Introduction to Birding Class at the Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies.


Class participants will learn how to use binoculars, why birding is a fun and valuable hobby, and about the resources available to help identify birds. After the initial class work, participants will accompany Fresno Audubon experts on a bird walk around the River Center property including the Hidden Homes Trail. This class will begin at the picnic tables just south of the Ranch House.


Participants should bring binoculars, snacks, water, and sun protection. Fresno Audubon will have binoculars to loan for anyone who doesn’t have their own pair.


There is no cost to attend. Children are welcome.


Please register for the event here.

Cricket Hollow Park in Reedley, May 25, 2022 @ Cricket Hollow Park
May 25 @ 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Register Here

The FAS Wednesday Walk on May 25 will be to Cricket Hollow Park in Reedley, on the bank of the Kings River. This should be a good opportunity to see Spring migrants, as well as riparian, woodland, and river birds. Birding at the park is an easy walk on level ground. The trip should last about three hours. If time permits, the trail along the Kings River next to nearby Reedley College will also be covered. Participants will meet at the Walmart at Blackstone and Ashlan at 8 a.m. and caravan to Reedley. Maps from Fresno to Cricket Hollow will be provided. Bring a lunch. Participants are responsible for arranging any carpooling beforehand.


Participants should bring snacks, lunch, water, hat, sunscreen, and binoculars, and should dress in layers. Registration is required for all participants.


We ask that all participants register individually. This trip is limited to 25 participants. Please reach out to trip leader Larry Parmeter at if you have any questions or concerns. 

Meeting Place Map

Cricket Hollow Park Map


Please register for the event here.


Introductory Bird Walk at the River Center @ River Center
May 28 @ 8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Join Fresno Audubon Society experts for an entry-level bird walk at the River Center. This is a follow-on birding trip for our Introduction to Birding class, but all (including children) are welcome. Bring your own binoculars or borrow a pair from Fresno Audubon. Also bring sun protection such as a hat and sunscreen, plus water and snacks. This class will begin at the picnic tables just south of the Ranch House.


Please register for the event here.


Swanson Meadow/McKinley Grove/Courtright Reservoir @ Swanson Meadow/McKinley Grove/Courtright Reservoir
Jun 11 @ 6:00 am – 3:00 pm

Western Tanager by Clayton Dahlen

Register Here

Swanson Meadow/McKinley Grove/Courtright Reservoir

Join Fresno Audubon on Saturday, June 11 as we journey up Dinkey Creek Road and McKinley Grove Road to visit various birding hotspots. We will meet at 6:00 AM in the Wal Mart parking Lot at Ashlan and Blackstone (36.793565, -119.789792, near El Pollo Loco) to arrange carpooling. The group will depart by 6:15 AM. Our first stop will be the Edison Rest Area (located just outside the town of Shaver Lake at 37.104806, -119.309209). We will bird around the rest area for approximately 30 minutes. Goal birds at this location include Fox Sparrow, Mountain Chickadee, MacGillivray’s Warbler, Black-headed Grosbeak, and Western Tanager. From there, we will head to Swanson Meadow (37.095708, -119.291487), where we will bird for approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. Goal birds at Swanson Meadow include Green-tailed Towhee, Lazuli Bunting, Cassin’s Vireo, Chipping Sparrow, Lincoln’s Sparrow, and many more!


Our next stop will be McKinley Grove (37.022900, -119.108313), where we will bird for approximately 1.5 hours. Goal birds at McKinley Grove include Hermit Warbler, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Pacific Wren, Purple Finch, and White-headed Woodpecker.


Our next stop will be Courtright Reservoir (37.076151, -118.974566), where we will sit down for a picnic lunch and spend approximately 2 hours birding. Goal birds at Courtright Reservoir include Hermit Thrush, Mountain White-crowned Sparrow, Violet-green Swalllow, Clark’s Nutcracker, Cassin’s Finch, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Williamson’s Sapsucker, and Black-backed Woodpecker. The plan is to depart the Courtright area around 3:30 or 4:00 PM.


Participants can certainly leave earlier if they’d prefer. Participants should bring snacks, lunch, water, hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, and binoculars, and should dress in layers.


Registration is required and there is a limit of 25 participants.

Please reach out to trip leader Rachel Clark at 515-357-0122 or with any questions. 

Meeting Place Map


Please register for the event here.


Let’s Go Birding Together @ Dinkey Creek Road and McKinley Grove Road
Jun 12 @ 7:00 am – 3:00 pm

Green-tailed Towhee by Gary Woods

Register Here

Let’s Go Birding Together!

Fresno Audubon Society (FAS) President Rachel Clark will be leading a beginning birding trip exploring various locations along Dinkey Creek and McKinley Grove Roads in the Sierra National Forest, near Shaver Lake. This event is co-sponsored with LGBT Fresno. Stop by our booth at Fresno Pride on June 4th!

FAS invites the Fresno LGBTQIA++ community to join us in celebrating not just the diversity of the birds in area, but also our people. Let’s Go Birding Together! is a birding walk intentionally welcoming of the LGBTQIA++ community and is designed to be a space where people can be themselves without fear of judgment. Let’s Go Birding Together! bird walks are held nationwide during June to build community and create diversity, reflecting the biodiversity in our ecosystems.


 Our FAS leaders will point out birds, enthusiastically identify them and share their knowledge about the birds. All ages, allies, and families are welcome, but youth under 18 years should be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Loaner binoculars will be available.


Even if you have never been birding before, you are specifically welcome to join!


We will be meeting at 7:00 AM in the Walmart parking lot at Blackstone and Ashlan, near the El Pollo Loco, to arrange carpooling (36.793721, -119.789637). The plan will be to depart Fresno by 7:15 AM. We will wrap the birding festivities up around 2:30 PM and head back down to Fresno.


Participants should bring plenty of water, snacks, a lunch, sunscreen, a hat, binoculars (if you have them), and should dress in layers. We will have some loaner binoculars available for participants’ use. Registration is required for this event, and is limited to 30 people, so sign up as soon as you can!


Please reach out to trip leader Rachel Clark at 515-357-0122 or if you have any questions or concerns. 

Meeting Place Map


For more perspective on this topic, feel free to check out the following article:

“For the LGBTQ Community, Birding Can Be a Relief—and a Source of Anxiety”


Register Here

General Meeting – Lily Douglas- The Central Valley Joint Venture – creating habitat for migrating birds @ Zoom
Jun 14 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

 Virtual General Meeting

Lily Douglas

The Central Valley Joint Venture

-creating habitat for migrating birds


Register for Fresno Audubon General Meeting June 14th, 7:00pm
This meeting will be broadcast online via Zoom
 Register to receive login information.

New to Zoom? Check out all you need to know here before the meeting.

Lily Douglas with Tricolored Blackbird


Program Description:


The Central Valley is a critically important part of the Pacific Flyway, which extends from the Arctic to South America, and is used by over 100 million birds of 400 species every year. Approximately 95% of natural habitat in the Central Valley has been transformed for human uses, and unpredictable water supplies and other climate change impacts threaten the future of farms, wetlands, and other bird habitats.


The Central Valley Joint Venture (CVJV) partners with private landowners, local governments, non-profit organizations, and others to conserve Central Valley birds and their habitats for current and future generations. In 2021, the CVJV released its updated Implementation Plan, laying out objectives to support healthy bird populations and benefit people and communities in the Central Valley. Lily Douglas, the CVJV’s Assistant Coordinator, will discuss the formation of the migratory bird joint ventures, the history and structure of the CVJV, the updated Implementation Plan, and how you can help.


Speaker Bio:


Lily Douglas is the Assistant Coordinator of the Central Valley Joint Venture for migratory bird habitat conservation. She has worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for nine years, previously in roles implementing the Endangered Species Act for species in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. Prior to that she worked with Greater Sage-Grouse for the Bureau of Land Management and as a GIS Analyst with an environmental consulting firm. Lily also sits on the Board of Directors for the Central Valley Bird Club and co-authored the book Sacramento County Breeding Birds: A Tale of Two Atlases and Three Decades of Change, released last year.

Fresno Audubon Society
Thank you for your continued involvement in and support of Fresno Audubon Society.
General Meeting July 2022- Jack Jefferys- Hakalau Forest NWR and the birds of Hawaii @ Zoom
Jul 12 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

 Virtual General Meeting

Jack Jefferys

Hakalau Forest NWR and the Birds of Hawaii.

Register for Fresno Audubon General Meeting July 12th, 7:00pm
This meeting will be broadcast online via Zoom
 Register to receive login information.

New to Zoom? Check out all you need to know here before the meeting.


Program Description:

The Hawaiian Archipelago is the most isolated chain of islands in the world, over twenty-five hundred miles from the nearest continent.  Very few plants and animals have ever reached these remote islands on their own, but those that did, evolved over time and became unique to the Islands.  About five and a half million years ago,  a small flock of finch like birds from Asia, likely blown off course, arrived in the Hawaiian islands.  Unrestricted food supplies and adaptations through competition for these food resources created evolutionary opportunities for speciation through specialization of bill forms and body size.  From this one colonization the Hawaiian Honeycreepers evolved into over fifty different bird species found nowhere else on earth.  Some Honeycreepers, like the scarlet I’iwi, evolved long curved bills to feed on nectar in the curved flowers of native plants,  like those of the Bell flower family or Lobelias and provide for their pollination.  Other bird species adapted to feed on insects in different ways. For example, the tiny Hawaii Akepa, with its short straight bill, crossed at the tip,  gleans micro insects from leaf buds.  The Akialoa’s long thin bill, almost as long as its body, was used to poke deep into tree crevices to find insects that no other bird could reach.  The Akiapola’au has one of the most unusual bills in the bird world.  Its upper bill is long, thin and down curved, and lower bill short straight and stout feeds like a woodpecker, but with its mouth open.  It pecks into the tree wood with its lower short-stout bill, then uses the upper long curved bill to reach into the hole to wrench out wood-boring beetle larvae.  Today, only 17 Hawaiian Honeycreepers species remain in the Islands, but with continued habitat protection and restoration as is happening at Hakalau Forest NWR on Hawaii Island and other areas in the State, as well as captive breeding and release, and active research on control of mosquitoes and avian diseases, the remaining Hawaiian Honeycreepers will hopefully survive far into the future. 

Speaker Bio:

Jack Jeffrey, a longtime resident of Hawaii Island, is a professional wildlife and nature photographer, birding guide, and wildlife biologist.  He is intimately familiar with Hawaii’s remote rainforests, hidden valleys, and rare endemic birds. He brings to his images the knowledge from over 50 years of observation and study of Hawaii’s native forest birds, as well as those in other places from his travels around the world.  He combines a naturalist’s curiosity with a photographer’s patience and technical skill to produce beautiful images.  

Jack is recipient of the prestigious “Ansel Adams Award for Nature Photography”, and is a USFWS  “Endangered Species Recovery Champion”.  He has also received the coveted Nature Conservancy of Hawaii Kako’o Aina Award, Hawaii Sierra Club Conservationist of the Year Award, and the Hawaii Audubon Society Conservationist of the Year Award.  Now retired from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, he is enjoying more time traveling with his wife Gretchen, leading tours and photographing wildlife and nature around the world.  


Fresno Audubon Society
Thank you for your continued involvement in and support of Fresno Audubon Society.
General Meeting – Matt Allshouse- Audubon Conservation Ranching Program. @ Zoom
Aug 9 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

 Virtual General Meeting

Matt Allshouse

The Audubon Conservation Ranching Program

Register for Fresno Audubon General Meeting August 9th, 7:00pm
This meeting will be broadcast online via Zoom
 Register to receive login information.

New to Zoom? Check out all you need to know here before the meeting.

Title: Audubon Conservation Ranching: Incentivizing Regenerative Grassland Management by Connecting Certified Ranches to Consumer Markets


Program Description:

California has roughly 40 million acres of rangelands that provide food production, carbon sequestration, water infiltration, and habitat for a wide range of species. However, this historic land use is under threat with an average of 20,000 acres a year being lost to development or crop conversion. Climate change, invasive species, aquifer depletion, and outdated grazing practices also degrade large portions of grasslands, increasing economic and ecological vulnerability. This in turn has contributed to steep declines in grassland bird species across California and the United States.


Audubon launched its Conservation Ranching program (ACR) here in California in 2019. This program is designed to stem the conversion of grassland ecosystems and improve the ecological functions of rangelands by partnering with ranchers to transition to more regenerative grazing approaches via a ranch certification program. This presentation will highlight the ACR program components which includes the development of ranch-specific Habitat Management Plans and a third-party certified set of regenerative grazing practices to increase climate-driven drought resiliency, rebuild soil organic matter, enhance plant diversity and cover, increase water infiltration and carbon sequestration, and increase overall biodiversity. This ecological resilience can translate to economic resilience, as participating producers are able to use the Audubon certification logo on their product – providing a market incentive to landowners to enroll in this program through increased sales or revenue. This presentation will highlight program practices, early results and opportunities for enrollment.


Here are some links to program specifics:

Speaker Bio:

Matt Allshouse came to Audubon California from Wyoming and has been the Conservation Ranching Program Manager for the state since September 2019. As a rangeland ecologist, he has 15 years of experience associated with land policy, management, and science. Previously, Matt served as Ranch Manager for Antelope Springs Land and Cattle in Wyoming, as a Biologist for the Peregrine Fund in Belize and Guatemala directing conservation field research, and as Ecologist with the consulting firm Trihydro Corporation focusing on restoration ecology. Matt holds a dual Bachelor’s degree in Environment and Natural Resources, and Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management from University of Wyoming.

Pelayo Alvarez works as the Director of the Conservation Ranching Program in California.  Before joining Audubon Pelayo worked for the Carbon Cycle Institute where he helped establish carbon farming programs across California. Pelayo has experience working with the ranching community, government agencies, academia and other stakeholders on rangeland conservation initiatives including the development of programs to incentivize good stewardship practices on rangelands. Pelayo also worked for Defenders of Wildlife as the Conservation Program Director for the California Rangeland Conservation Coalition where he coordinated research and outreach activities. Pelayo also teaches Rangeland Ecology and Management at American River College in Sacramento. His previous work experience includes positions at UC Davis, The World Bank and The Nature Conservancy. He has a bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine from Universidad de Leon (Spain), a MS degree in Animal Science from Oklahoma State University and a PhD in Ecology from UC Davis.


Fresno Audubon Society
Thank you for your continued involvement in and support of Fresno Audubon Society.
General Meeting – John Sterling: Birding Adventures in Morocco @ Zoom
Sep 13 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

 Virtual General Meeting

John Sterling

Birding Adventures in Morocco

Register for Fresno Audubon General Meeting September 13th, 7:00pm
This meeting will be broadcast online via Zoom
 Register to receive login information.

New to Zoom? Check out all you need to know here before the meeting.

Title: John Sterling: Birding Adventures in Morocco


Program Description:

John will share highlights from his tours’ adventures in Morocco. With its high mountains, high desert, low Sahara desert, agricultural plains, coastal lagoons, cork oak woodland, and coniferous forest, Morocco has much to offer to birds and birders. Home to several endemic bird species as well as North Africa species not readily seen elsewhere, it is also along the major migratory pathway for European migrants including shorebirds, raptors, songbirds and others. Join us for a virtual tour of the country’s birds, landscapes and culture.


John Sterling has been a hard core birder in California since he was shown a Pileated Woodpecker in 5th grade camp in 1971.  He is a professional ornithologist and has worked for the Smithsonian Institution, US Forest Service research stations, HT Harvey & Associates, Arizona and Oregon state universities among other organizations since 1981.  John has traveled extensively throughout California learning about local bird distribution and is an authority on that state’s avifauna. In 2015 he set the California’s new big year record with 501 species and has many big day records as well. He has traveled internationally as a guide and ornithologist for many institutions including projects as a Smithsonian ornithologist to Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, The Philippines, Sumatra, Canada and Russia. John currently has his own company, Sterling Wildlife Biology (,  specializing in tours, birding classes, research and environmental consulting for The Nature Conservancy, the Kern Water Bank, the California Rice Commission, the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, National Audubon’s International Alliance Program, CA Dept. of Water Resources among other organizations.

Fresno Audubon Society
Thank you for your continued involvement in and support of Fresno Audubon Society.
Introduction to Birding at SFC’s McKenzie Preserve @ McKenzie Table Mountain Preserve
Oct 9 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Sierra Foothill Conservancy (SFC) and Fresno Audubon Society have joined forces to offer a birding class that combines instruction, exploration, and fun! Beginning birders will see and learn about fall migratory birds visiting the McKenzie. Birders will discover easy ways to identify migrating and year-round, local birds. The class will include a walk looking for birds in the habitat found on the lower McKenzie Preserve. We will meet at the parking lot and then bird up towards the picnic tables. Bring binoculars, lunch, water and sun protection.  Fresno Audubon will have binoculars to loan if you do not have your own.

This event is hosted by Sierra Foothill Conservancy. Cost is $15 to members or $25 per non-members, with special family pricing. Please register at;instance=20221009090000?popup=1