Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
General Meeting – Feb. 2025- Benny Jacobs-Schwartz: Colombia: South America’s Birding Mecca 7:00 pm
General Meeting – Feb. 2025- Benny Jacobs-Schwartz: Colombia: South America’s Birding Mecca @ Zoom
Feb 11 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
General Meeting - Feb. 2025- Benny Jacobs-Schwartz: Colombia: South America’s Birding Mecca @ Zoom
 Virtual General Meeting Benny Jacobs-Schwartz Colombia: South America’s Birding Mecca   Due to technical difficulties with the Jan. Zoom Meeting we have rescheduled the meeting to February. Please re-register so that you will get the reminders for this meeting.   Register for Fresno Audubon General...
Introduction to Birding Saturday Feb. 15, 2025 9:00 am
Introduction to Birding Saturday Feb. 15, 2025 @ River Center
Feb 15 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Introduction to Birding Saturday Feb. 15, 2025 @ River Center
Introduction to Birding at the River Center 11605 Old Friant Rd Fresno, CA 93730     Registration link  All registrants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. Use the QR code below or the form can also be found here Description...
River West Cleanup Event 9:30 am
River West Cleanup Event @ River West
Feb 22 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
River West Cleanup Event @ River West
River West Cleanup   All participants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. Use the QR code below or the form can also be found here. Registration Link Registration is limited to 12 participants. Leader: Rick Grijalva, .                      ...
China Creek Park, Feb. 26, 2025 7:45 am
China Creek Park, Feb. 26, 2025 @ China Creek
Feb 26 @ 7:45 am – 12:00 pm
China Creek Park, Feb. 26, 2025 @ China Creek
China Creek Park Feb. 26, 2025   All participants must agree to the FAS Liability Waiver Form when they register. The form can be found here   Registration Link China Creek Park February 26, 2025 Time: 7:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.     Leader: John...
Member Meeting – Lost Lake Potluck @ Lost Lake Recreation Area
Sep 10 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Our first general meeting of the 2019-2020 birding season will be a pot luck dinner held at the Lost Lake Recreation Area on Tuesday 10 September 2019 from 5:00-7:00pm. We will be eating at the picnic pavilion adjacent to the entrance to the campground in the northeast end of the park. Come early or stay late to bird the number one eBird hotspot in Fresno. There is a $5 entrance fee per vehicle unless you have an annual pass. Annual passes are available for $40 per year and can be purchased at Fresno County Resources Division: 2220 Tulare Street, 6th Floor, Fresno, CA 93721, (559) 600-3004.
To register for the pot luck dinner, click here.
4:00-5:00 – No-host birding
5:00-5:30 – Business meeting, discussion of upcoming season
5:30 – 7:00 – Potluck dinner
7:15 – Sunset
Introduction to birding at the River Center @ River Center
Dec 8 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Join the River Parkway Trust and Fresno Audubon for an Introduction to Birding Class at the Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies.

Class participants will learn how to use binoculars, why birding is a fun and valuable hobby, and about the resources available to help identify birds. After the initial class work, participants will accompany Fresno Audubon experts on a bird walk around the River Center property including the Hidden Homes Trail. This class will begin at the Wisteria Shade Arbor just north of the Ranch House.

Participants should bring binoculars, snacks, water, and sun protection. Fresno Audubon will have binoculars to loan for anyone who doesn’t have their own pair.

There is no cost to attend. Children are welcome.

Please register for the event here.

Member Meeting – Gary Woods “Birding southeast Arizona” @ Woodward Park Library
Dec 10 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Gary Woods made his first birding trip to Southeastern Arizona in August 2005 when he attended the Southwest Wings birding festival. Since then he’s returned to that area in early August alone with his camera 11 more times. On December 10th he will present an updated version of the show he first presented to us 6 years ago on birding Southeastern Arizona with some detailed information for those who would like to travel there themselves as well as some terrific photos of the specialties that draw birders from all over the world to this part of the country. As usual he will be giving away a door prize of one of his pictures at the conclusion of the evening. The meeting will be at the Woodward Park Library starting at 7pm. You can register for the event here.

Lost Lake Christmas Bird Count 2019
Dec 14 @ 7:00 am – 5:00 pm

Lost Lake CBC Circle

The 2019 Lost Lake Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will take place on Saturday, De­cember 14. We will meet at the Lost Lake Park nature trail parking lot at 7:00 a.m.

The Lost Lake CBC is one of sev­eral hundred counts that will take place in North America and beyond during December and January. These events contrib­ute important bird abundance data to an international database. Over the years this data has provided research­ers with much important informa­tion about the health of bird species in North American and beyond. You can learn more about the Christ­mas Bird Count program at

The Lost CBC circle (pictured above) includes Lost Lake Park, Millerton Lake State Park, Friant Bridge, grassland areas of southern Madera County, Rank Island, Ball Ranch parts of the McKenzie Table Mountain Preserve, Woodward Park, Jensen River Ranch, Woodward Lakes, Dry Creek Reservoir, and the northern reaches of Fresno/Clovis.

Participants will be divided into small groups, each responsible for counting in a designated area within the count circle. Checklists will be provided, on which numbers of indi­vidual birds and species are marked.

You needn’t be an expert birder to participant in this event. Anyone with a basic knowledge of bird species is encouraged to partici­pate. The more eyes we have in each group, the more birds we are likely to count.

Some groups will be out for the entire day, while others will finish earlier than that. Feel free to join us even if you can only do so for part of the day. Most participants will submit eBird lists of their sightings, but for those who wish to submit paper lists, please meet the compiler (Rachel Clark) at 5:30 p.m. at Denny’s on Blackstone and Herndon. If enough people are interested, we might sit down for a post-count meal.

For more information about this event or to confirm that you will par­ticipate, please contact Rachel Clark at 515-357-0122 or

Registration: Please also register for the event here.

Map to meeting place:

Introduction to birding at the River Center @ River Center
Jan 5 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Join the River Parkway Trust and Fresno Audubon for an Introduction to Birding Class at the Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies.

Class participants will learn how to use binoculars, why birding is a fun and valuable hobby, and about the resources available to help identify birds. After the initial class work, participants will accompany Fresno Audubon experts on a bird walk around the River Center property including the Hidden Homes Trail. This class will begin at the Wisteria Shade Arbor just north of the Ranch House.

Participants should bring binoculars, snacks, water, and sun protection. Fresno Audubon will have binoculars to loan for anyone who doesn’t have their own pair.

There is no cost to attend. Children are welcome.

Please register for the event here.

Introduction to birding at the River Center @ River Center
Feb 9 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Join the River Parkway Trust and Fresno Audubon for an Introduction to Birding Class at the Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies.

Class participants will learn how to use binoculars, why birding is a fun and valuable hobby, and about the resources available to help identify birds. After the initial class work, participants will accompany Fresno Audubon experts on a bird walk around the River Center property including the Hidden Homes Trail. This class will begin at the Wisteria Shade Arbor just north of the Ranch House.

Participants should bring binoculars, snacks, water, and sun protection. Fresno Audubon will have binoculars to loan for anyone who doesn’t have their own pair.

There is no cost to attend. Children are welcome.

Please register for the event here.

Introductory Bird Walk at the River Center @ River Center
Feb 16 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Join Fresno Audubon Society experts for an entry-level bird walk at the River Center. This is a follow-on birding trip for our Introduction to Birding class, but all (including children) are welcome. Bring your own binoculars or borrow a pair from Fresno Audubon. Also bring sun protection such as a hat and sunscreen plus water and snacks.

Please register for the event here.

Introduction to birding at the River Center @ River Center
Mar 7 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Join the River Parkway Trust and Fresno Audubon for an Introduction to Birding Class at the Coke Hallowell Center for River Studies.

Class participants will learn how to use binoculars, why birding is a fun and valuable hobby, and about the resources available to help identify birds. After the initial class work, participants will accompany Fresno Audubon experts on a bird walk around the River Center property including the Hidden Homes Trail. This class will begin at the Wisteria Shade Arbor just north of the Ranch House.

Participants should bring binoculars, snacks, water, and sun protection. Fresno Audubon will have binoculars to loan for anyone who doesn’t have their own pair.

There is no cost to attend. Children are welcome.

Please register for the event here.

Pre-meeting Dinner with Susan Schneider @ BJ's Brewhouse
Mar 10 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Join us for dinner at BJ’s Brewhouse with Biopsychologist Susan Schneider. Susan has over 25 years of research and teaching experience in the science of consequences and nature-nurture relations.  She’s also an avid birder, field trip leader, and environmental activist.  President of San Joaquin Audubon (just stepped down this summer), she was on the Tropical Audubon board in Miami and is a past president of Mountaineer Audubon in West Virginia. She’s published numerous scientific articles and book chapters, and has been a faculty member at St. Olaf College, Auburn University, and Florida International University; she’s currently a Visiting Scholar at University of the Pacific.  Her book for the public, The Science of Consequences: How They Affect Genes, Change the Brain, and Impact Our World (see was a selection of the Scientific American Book Club and took her on a 3-year international book tour.  It describes the science of reinforcement learning, its important role in the larger realm of nature-nurture relations, and its many beneficial applications for people and animals.  Schneider is currently focused on fighting climate change:  giving talks, consulting professionally, and co-chairing the San Joaquin County Climate Action Coalition.

Please register for the event here.