
26 Feb March 2020 Yellowbill

President's Message [caption id="attachment_17678" align="alignnone" width="300"] Tree Swallow by Rachel Clark[/caption] Greetings, FAS members! Spring is on the horizon, and I could not be more excited. Everywhere I look, there are more and more signs: Tree Swallows chattering and scouting potential nest cavities, Great Horned Owls sitting...

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28 Jan February 2020 Yellowbill

President's Message [caption id="attachment_17629" align="alignnone" width="350"] Rachel Clark, FAS President[/caption] Greetings, FAS members! My name is Rachel Clark and, as many of you know, I am the newly-elected president of Fresno Audubon. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was born and raised in...

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31 Dec January 2020 Yellowbill

New Board Member Responsibilities The December meeting of the Fresno Audubon Society board is dedicated each year to performance evaluation and to elect officers and board members to new terms. This year the board elected the following: Rachel Clark, president Radley Reep, vice-president George Folsom, treasurer Barbara Bailey, secretary Robert Snow,...

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30 Nov December 2019 Yellowbill

President's Message December brings overwintering waterfowl and Christmas Bird Counts (CBC). The Lost Lake CBC is one of sev­eral hundred counts that will take place in North America and beyond during December and January. These events contrib­ute important bird abundance data to an international database. Over...

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31 Oct November 2019 Yellowbill

President's Message "Birds are telling us its time to take action on climate change." That's how David Yarnold, CEO of the National Audubon Society, introduced Audubon's new report Survival by Degrees: 389 Bird Species on the Brink on 10 October 2019. Audubon scientists studied 604 North American...

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05 Oct October 2019 Yellowbill

President's Message In October we'll have three field trips but no General Meeting. Our next General Meeting will be in December when Gary Woods will be presenting pictures from his most recent year of birding. As a reminder, memberships are now due 1 September for the 2019-2020...

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31 Aug September 2019 Yellowbill

President's Message Welcome to the 2019-2020 birding season. Over the summer we have made a few changes that we think will improve the activities of Fresno Audubon. We have added registration pages for our events, primarily so that trip leaders know how many and who to...

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30 Apr May 2019 Yellowbill

President's Message May marks the end of our birding season as the summer heat makes local birding more difficult and less pleasant. But we end the season with four field trips in May, including two into the cool mountains. We also have trips to Ball Ranch (rescheduled...

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01 Apr April 2019 Yellowbill

President's Message April brings migrating shorebirds, hummingbirds and song birds to our area, and this year it also brings the launch of our Beginning Birding Class to the River Center. We've teamed with the River Parkway and Conservation Trust to offer a recurring birding class at...

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28 Feb March 2019 Yellowbill

President's Message We have been very busy at Fresno Audubon Society over the past month. We have a new board member, (Nancy Gilmore) a new Instagram account (@fresnoaudubon) managed by Nancy Gilmore and Max Nichols, a new project to survey the San Joaquin River Parkway plant...

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