06 Jun April 2018 FAS Board of Directors’ meeting Summary
This year, the board set up two sub-committees: A budget committee (members Robert Snow (chair), Rich Gilman, and George Folsom), and a strategic planning committee (members Robert Snow (chair), Radley Reep, Judy Johnson and Barbara Bailey).
- The budget committee has been working on developing budget categories that tie more closely to income and expense categories used in monthly reporting, and is in the process of improving investment strategies for FAS’s assets.
- The strategic planning committee has been meeting to work on refining FAS’s long-term strategy and goals.
Consistent with its mission statement FAS voted to endorse Proposition 68, the Fresno Parks initiative and Juan Arambula’s assembly measure to expand the Millerton Lake Recreational Area to include the San Joaquin River and Lost Lake Park. Robert Snow has drafted a “get out the vote” e-blast, has submitted an OpEd article to the Fresno Bee outlining Audubon’s support of Prop 68, and wrote a letter of support for the Arambula bill to the State Assembly committee considering the bill.
On June 13 at 8:00 am at George Folsom’s there will be a planning meeting for the 2018-2019 Wednesday Walk season. Susan Estep will continue in her role as coordinator (with much thanks from the board), and is seeking walk leaders as well as suggested trip locations. This year, in addition to walks being listed in the subscribe-able calendar on the FAS website, a one-page pdf of all walks will be available for those people who prefer this format.
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