About The Fresno Audubon Society
OUR MISSION – Founded in 1966 Fresno Audubon is an independent chapter of the National Audubon Society.
The mission of Fresno Audubon is to engage local communities in building a sustainable environment for people, birds, and other wildlife through education, science, and advocacy.
Fresno Audubon hosts many educational programs, sponsors field trips and birding classes, advocates for local environmental conservation, engages community members in outdoor Citizen Science learning opportunities, and publishes the online blog – The Yellowbill.
ADVOCACY – Since 1966 Fresno Audubon have been advocating on behalf of the Central Valley and Sierra foothill environmental issues. Fresno Audubon advocates for a healthy and sustainable local environment for people, birds, and other wildlife through policy change, education, Citizen Science, community building and engagement around issues of local importance.
Why Advocate and How to Start?
Loss of suitable habitat can be a driving force for species extinction and reduction of biodiversity. In the Central Valley much of the native landscape has been significantly altered by urban and economic development and industrial farming. Join Fresno Audubon in advocating on behalf of a healthy and sustainable local environment for people, birds, and other wildlife. Attend our programs, field trips, volunteer, and donate to support a healthy and sustainable Central Valley and foothill and Sierra environment.