Wednesday Walk – Fresno State campus CANCELED

28 Aug Wednesday Walk – Fresno State campus CANCELED

April 22, 2020 @ 7:45 am – 12:00 pm

Join us on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day for a bird walk on Fresno State’s campus with Biology professor Dr. Tricia Van Laar. We will meet in the southwest corner of the parking lot at Campus Pointe – across Chestnut Ave from the SaveMart Center. We will carpool together to the Planetarium on Fresno State’s campus, meeting there at 8:10am. The Fresno State campus has several unique microcosms that we will be able to visit.

Dr. Van Laar and her colleague, Dr. Joel Slade, have an ongoing project regarding the microbiology and immunology of the bushtit as well as nest composition in our urban environment. They have students who are enrolled in the Ecology and Evolution of Birds course who may join us.

We will see nesting Ravens and Bushtits. There are large numbers of Brewer’s and Red-winged Blackbirds and Brown-headed Cowbirds in the Ag fields. There are usually Red-tailed Hawks as well. Last spring there were nesting pied-billed grebes and coots on the equestrian ponds. Killdeer are quite common as well. We have all the standards too like Robins, Mockingbirds, Mourning Doves, Scrub-jays, House Finches, etc.

It should be a very interesting and informative day.

Checklist: binoculars, scope, field guide, snacks, water, sunscreen, hat

Trip Leader: Dr. Tricia Van Laar. Please contact Susan Estep (402)212-1215 with any questions.


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