Lost Lake Christmas Bird Count 2024

14 Dec Lost Lake Christmas Bird Count 2024

December 14, 2024 all-day
Rachel Clark

Lost Lake Christmas Bird Count

Elegant Terns, Malibu Lagoon, by Rick Grijalva

Details Subject to Change.


On Saturday, December 14, 2024, Fresno Audubon will be hosting the annual Lost Lake Christmas Bird Count, which covers sections of both Fresno and Madera Counties. Participants will be assigned to particular sections, and will count each of the birds they see and hear. Generally, the count lasts from dawn until dusk, but we understand that some people who wish to participate might not be able to devote that much time to the count, and that is perfectly alright! Participants can devote as much or as little time as they desire, so do not be deterred if you cannot count birds all day! Even if you are not a birding expert, you can still partake in the count if you are willing to pair up with an expert birder, so do not let that deter you, either!


If you are interested in participating, or have any questions, please reach out to Lost Lake CBC compiler/past Fresno Audubon president Rachel Clark at tanagergirl@gmail.com.


Sponsored by the National Audubon Society, the Christmas Bird Count, held annually from December 14-January 5, is a time during which citizen scientists from all over the Americas turn out to count birds in designated areas, collecting valuable data on the long-term health and status of bird populations. For more information about the history of the Christmas Bird Count and how the data is used, follow this link: https://www.audubon.org/conservation/history-christmas-bird-count

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