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You may join Fresno Audubon Society as a local chapter member or by becoming a member of National Audubon Society.

Local membership with Fresno Audubon Society is available for students at $10 per year or for individuals or families for $20 per year. We also offer a lifetime membership for $1,000. Your dues will help us pay for our meeting room rental, insurance for field trips and other costs of doing business. Our membership year runs from 1 September to 31 August the following year.

To join online and pay for a single year’s membership, click the “Add to Cart” button below. You will pay securely with a credit card through PayPal. To set up an automatically renewing membership, click on the “Subscribe” button below. PayPal will automatically renew your membership until you chose to cancel the subscription in your PayPal profile.

You may also join by using the membership form found here and mailing your dues to:

Fresno Audubon Membership
P.O. Box 3315, Pinedale CA 93650

Be sure to include your name, address and email so that we can send you your newsletter and information about field trips and speakers. We never sell or rent member information.

Fresno Audubon society membership levels:
$10 Snowy Plover (Student)
$20 Burrowing Owl (Individual/Family)
$1000 Golden Eagle (Life)

Join or renew securely with PayPal below.

One-time Payment



Anually Recurring Payment


If you have set up a recurring payment (a subscription) and would like to terminate it, you can cancel your pending payments by following these steps:

1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click Profile near the top of the page.
3. Click Payment preferences.
4. Click Update next to “My preapproved payments”.
5. Select “Fresno Audubon Society”.
6. Click “Cancel subscription” and follow the instructions.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, contact Fresno Audubon Society at (559) 715-2473 to cancel the agreement.


You may also join National Audubon Society for $20. National Audubon members receive Audubon magazine 4 times/year and are automatically enrolled in the local chapter nearest them. All residents of the Fresno area will automatically be enrolled in Fresno Audubon which receives a small portion of the dues share from National Audubon. Go to the National Audubon web site to either pay by credit card or be billed by mail. You must enter a chapter code on these forms. Use C19 for Fresno Audubon.


Write for The Yellowbill
Fresno Audubon is always looking for new authors to cycle in to our blog, The Yellowbill. If your interested contact us HERE

Get involved in with Fresno Audubon! Attend our programs, field trips, volunteer, and donate to support a healthy and sustainable Central Valley Sierra foothill environment for people, birds, and other wildlife.

Fresno Audubon is currently looking for volunteers to help with outreach, media, organizational development, and administration. If you’d like help out as a volunteer or are considering an internship opportunities with Fresno Audubon, email us.


Make a secure donation in any denomination with PayPal below.


Want to join our Board?
Committed to engaging local communities in building a sustainable environment for people, birds, and other wildlife through education, science, and advocacy?
Contact us about joining the board