11 Sep August 2018 FAS Board of Directors’ meeting Summary
Treasurer: At Fresno Audubon’s August board meeting, we thanked Rich Gilman for his many years of service as the FAS Treasurer, and voted to make George Folsom our new Treasurer.
Strategic Planning: Over the summer, the Board’s strategic planning committee met a number of times to discuss refreshing and updating Fresno Audubon’s focus and mission. Among the initiatives we discussed were continuing and expanding FAS partnering with other effective conservation organizations, and expanding our role with the Parkway to include birding classes and bird surveys of various areas (such as River West). We believe getting baseline data for that area will give us a marvelous opportunity to discover how the bird population changes when River West opens to the public.
As a part of this strategic planning, FAS President Robert Snow undertook to develop a series of membership surveys to discern what our membership wants in the way of FAS activities.
Bird-A-Thon fundraiser: In an effort to raise money to support expanded “learn-to-bird” classes, Fresno Audubon will be holding a month-long bird-a-thon. Please visit our website to learn more about this event, and join us.
General Plan advocacy: Fresno Audubon joined other interested organizations to press the County Board of Supervisors not to simply extend the current 2000 General Plan to 2040. We want to make sure that the public is included in the process, and that adequate notice is given of meetings and workshops. It is also of critical importances to FAS that air quality, water availability, conservation of endangered species and open space remain important elements of the plan.
Atlantic Magazine articles about Fresno: The Atlantic Magazine published a series of stories about Fresno which were researched and written by students in UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism.
Audubon California Assembly: Every other year Audubon California holds an assembly for California Audubon chapters. This year’s event will be held in Long Beach on November 2-3, 2018. This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet people with similar interests, attend meetings on topics of general interest, and bird wonderful wetlands and other interesting areas. Some of your board members will be going; please consider attending, too.
Our on-line store is live: The on-line store is now live; you can order logo shirts and hats, as well as bird pins. Pick your order up at the next general meeting, or pay for shipping, and have your order mailed.
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